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Tour de CCH 1998-2023

Cycle Club Helsinki at the top of cycling for 25 years

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Tour de CCH

In November 1998, the winds of change blew through the streets and alleys of Helsinki. The last leaves of autumn left the tree branches and swirled together on the street corners. At the same time, three stories that had once sprouted from the same tree, but had been separated for more than half a century, came together.


On November 17, 1998, two strong cycling clubs joined together: Pyörä-Toverit and Helsingin Työväen Pyörä-Veikot. Soon the Helsingin Pyöräilijät also joined the group. Cycle Club Helsinki ry. (CCH) had been born. 


Our club was big from the very beginning. Already in the second year of operation, CCH was the number one club in Finland both in the number of medals and in the organization of competitions.


As Finland's most successful cycling club, we can be proud of our own achievements. The club is equal to its members. We have done the work ourselves. Our hands are used to holding trophies and the traffic controller's lollipop. We will continue to work together to continue the strong club tradition. 


In the following weeks, we will publish a five-part club history. Tour de CCH is the story of our club from the first 25 years. Welcome to this journey, the stages of which tell about CCH's roots, its birth and growth, and about us club members - the community that our 25-year-old club is.


The information and pictures in this story series have been obtained from a wide variety of sources, especially from the club's own members. Thanks everyone for your help! The most important source is Pertti "Pepe" Sirén's annual notes. You can read the original Finnish text here: CCH historiallinen tilastointi.


The parts of the story will be translated little by little:


Tour de CCH can also be read as a folded publication (in Finnish)


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