Ratapyöräily.info works as a platform for sharing information about track cycling in Finland. The platform is not tied into a specific cycling club or town, but there are many riders actively organising events and races from CCH.
Most of the information on the website is currently only in Finnish (we´re working on that), but all the information on social media platforms is shared both in Finnish and English, so we encourage you to follow those (Facebook & Instagram: Ratapyöräily.info).
There are two velodromes in Finland: a 400m long concrete velodrome in Helsinki and an asphalt covered, 333.33m long in Turku. There are small-ish week races and CUP- races held in both tracks during the racing season. Finnish Nationals are hosted in either of those places, mostly in Helsinki.
There are weekly training sessions for both juniors and adults in Helsinki and Turku. In case you are interested in joining, in track cycling in general or you have any questions, you may contact either the local cycling clubs or send a message through ratapyöräily.info social media platforms (contact information can also be found from the ratapyöräily.info front page, scroll all the way down).
On season 2022 there is a
Four part “Noname”- Cup in Turku, organised by TVC, more information from tvc@teamvelocycling.fi
Three part “6Hours Helsinki”- Cup, organised by Ratapyöräily.info in Helsinki, more information from https://www.ratapyoraily.info/kilpailut (the race info document is fully in English)
Finnish Elite Nationals on Sunday 17th June in Helsinki, see here
(ISM) Finnish Nationals for Juniors and age categories, 40,50 etc, organised by TuUL in Turku 30-32.7.2022. More information https://www.turunurheiluliitto.fi/pyoraily/kilpailut/ism-rata
Text: Iisa Lepistö
Photo: Antti Ruotsalo, maxwin.1g.fi